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Organisaties digitaliseren meer dan ooit. Waardoor traditionele applicatie ontwikkelmethodes niet snel en dynamisch genoeg werken om deze digitalisering te kunnen realiseren. Vanuit deze uitdaging is low-code application development ontstaan. Met low...
Ontdek de 7 stappen van datagedreven werkenDe term data-driven, oftewel datagedreven werken, is niet meer weg te denken uit de moderne bedrijfsvoering. En met reden. Doordat ons leven, en dat van onze klanten, zich steeds meer online afspeelt worden ...
Data science is a multi-disciplinary approach to finding, extracting, and surfacing patterns in data through a fusion of analytical methods, domain expertise, and technology. Machine learning (ML) is currently the most popular area withindata science...
No one knows how normal operations will change after the pandemic passes. But some things may change dramatically. For instance, operations continuity and telework. During the crisis, federal agencies — many of which were resisting even modest leve...
Data fuels digital transformation. The opportunity is massive as reflected by IDC Research, which estimates that by 2023 over 103 ZB (1ZB = 1 trillion gigabytes) of new data will be created.However, with opportunity comes challenge. IDC also reports ...
What has happened on pre-cloud environments over the years, the development of data silos, has already happened on cloud platforms, the emergence of cloud data silos. In the cloud, data is also stored on different cloud platforms, in different system...
Migrating to SAP S/4HANA: How to ensure a successful outcomeStrategies for integration, process continuity, and governance challenges SAP is to discontinue support for the SAP R3 suite in 2027, by which time companies will need to have completed thei...
Immersive, Hyperconverged Analytics for Rapid Learning, Decision- making, and Acting Seamlessly connect, explore, and immerse yourself in any kind of data Immersive analytics is a key defining benefit of hyperconverged analytics that helps anyone wor...
To address regulatory compliance, operational improvement, reporting quality, and/or customer experience, data governance has become a priority for many organizations.However, these same organizations often treat data governance as a standalone docum...
Business Agility from Modern Architectures10 Reasons Why TIBCO Is the Leader for Connecting Modern Application Architectures and Why that Matters to YouAgility is a business imperative. Today, it requires an application architecture built with modern...
If your organization relies on business intelligence (BI) applications to provide the insights needed to meet goals and manage risks, you need to be sure that these insights are:• Deep and multidimensional, leading to novel learnings and aha! mome...
Deze whitepaper biedt middelgrote ondernemingen een helpende hand in hun reis naar datagedreven werken door ze inzicht te geven in de belangrijkste data-belemmeringen. Denk hierbij aan bijvoorbeeld:- Data zitten overal en nergens; collega’s wet...
A next level in data warehouse automation is model-to-model conversion. By detecting patterns at a model level high quality data solutions can be generated fast. Whatever data architecture is needed.
Enterprise AI is at peak hype, yet AI has yet to fundamentally change most businesses. For the most part, those that have been successful have democratized the use of data throughout the organization. But how can everyone else catch up?
Data, ook voor controlling het duizend dingen doekje. Ook binnen het MKB is de workflow rondom bedrijfsprocessen als in- en verkoop tegenwoordig vergaand gedigitaliseerd. De automatisering heeft een veel hogere efficiëntie gebracht. Transacties ...
Recommenders zijn voorspellende modellen die proberen om de behoefte van een individuele relatie te bepalen. Het is de kunst om te herkennen welke stap, welk product of welke service voor elke individuele relatie nú de beste is, en ook nog eens binn...
The market for BI and data management is constantly changing. Trends come and go and one of the tasks of industry analysts is to highlight and predict important topics. The new BI Trend Monitor 2016 from BARC gives BI practitioners a platform to have...
This report outlines seven key attributes of the modern approach to business intelligence that will help you quickly see, understand, and share analytics. Whether you’re working with data in spreadsheets, warehouses, or across disparate data sets, ...
Business intelligence continues to be one of the fastest-moving areas in the enterprise. And not only is the technology moving fast, but the techniques people are using to drive adoption and get value from their data are multiplying. Among these tren...
This year’s Magic Quadrant, which shows the relative position of each challenger in the business analytics space, again positions Tableau as a leader in an increasingly competitive market. For the fourth year in a row, Tableau is a leader and posit...
Salesforce positioneert zich als een "Customer Success Platform" maar succes met deze CRM is sterk afhankelijk van de toegang tot de juiste gegevens. Veel gegevens zitten namelijk in seperate backend systemen en databronnen zoals Siebel, JD Edwards E...
Big Data systemen bieden elasticiteit en schaalbaarheid voor grotere hoeveelheden gegevens. Dit komt o.a. door inzet van high-speed storage, ecosystemen als Hadoop en NoSQL data management systemen. Maar om Big Data platformen succesvol in te zetten ...
De mogelijkheid om geld te verdienen met je voorhanden data kreeg mythische vormen in de praktijkverhalen die de hype van ’big data’ stuwden. Ze maakten sommige mensen jaloers. Een meer nuchtere geest beschouwt ‘big data’ als niet anders da...
InterSystems lanceerde vorig jaar een nieuwe versie van het Caché database management systeem (versie 2015.1) en tevens het daarmee samenhangende integratieplatform Ensemble. Met deze softwaretools blijft het bedrijf in alle luwte doorgroeien dankzi...
Automating text analysis requires prior knowledge of what the text is about and a great deal of upfront work to build relevant dictionaries or ontologies. The exception is InterSystems iKnow technology, which employs a unique “bottom-up” approach...
For many application providers meeting today’s customer demands will require a change in business model. Customers are looking for unified solutions instead of application portfolios from vendors. They want these solutions delivered on their device...
Voor sommige bedrijven ligt de grootste uitdaging bij het analyseren van enorme hoeveelheden gestructureerde en vooral numerieke gegevens. Dit proces vereist wellicht nieuwe softwarestrategieën en -technologie maar het is over het algemeen redelijk ...