
Risk and reward: how data is transforming insurance

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Are insurers up to speed with machine learning and advanced analytics? A perfect storm of rapid technological advances and changing customer behaviours has accelerated the rate of change and disruption in many industries.
Now, these disruptive forces have started to hit the insurance sector. But how many insurance providers are ready to face these new challenges?
Our new report focuses on the way new trends like IoT, machine learning and cybersecurity are impacting on data and analytics within the insurance industry.
Insurance providers have always relied on data to inform their decisions on liability and risk but perhaps now is the time to start focusing on the rewards too.

Onderwerp: Risk and reward: how data is transforming insurance
Publicatie datum: 1 november 2017
Bedrijfsnaam: Cloudera
Auteur: Cloudera
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01-11-2017  |   PDF

Risk and reward: how data is transforming insurance

01-11-2017  |   PDF

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