WhereScape Data Automation software accelerates the design, build and documentation of complex data ecosystems, and allows for fast, iterative collaboration with the business. We orchestrate disparate data sources across any platform to produce accurate reporting in minutes, not weeks.
With data increasing in volume and complexity, agile data management is now a must for digital business. Data Automation is essential for seamless integration with cloud and big data environments, reducing the dependence on manual handoffs and human error.
WhereScape RED automatically generates native code via a drag and drop GUI. Project build and changes are managed by developers but committed with automation in a fraction of the time.
WhereScape 3D models, designs and prototypes data infrastructure projects with automation to fast-track delivery while reducing cost and risk. This enables Agile principles such as close collaborations and shorter iterations.
Read more at WhereScape.
A data warehouse architecture defines the overall architecture of data communication. From processing the data to presenting it for end-clients computing, each data warehouse ...
Het Data Warehouse wordt op gezette tijden doodverklaard, dan wel vervroegd met pensioen gewenst. Toch zijn veronderstelde alternatieve concepten zoals bijvoorbeeld Data Lakes...
WhereScape Data Automation software accelerates the design, build and documentation of complex data ecosystems, and allows for fast, iterative collaboration with the business....
In society and in our organizations, we need a healthy balance between creativity and process. One prevents the other from stagnating or getting out of control. We must progre...
25th May 2018. The day GDPR becomes a reality. And with it comes a fundamental change to the way that we manage and distribute data. As everyone knows by now, it is not a 'nic...
Living in a vault, especially of the underground variety, doesn't sound too pleasant to me. However, a vault can also mean a roof in the form of an arch, as in a cathedral. To...
So, I'm playing a little with words here. I'm certainly not advocating locking anybody or anything in a Data Vault. I want to share how you can lock in success as you design a...
The term Data Vault evokes an image of a safe and secure place to store your most important, core data assets. A lot of engineering goes into its design and delivery to ensure...
In the final article of this series, I address the topic of maintaining the data warehouse that has been designed, built, and deployed over the previous three articles. But, m...
Having designed and built your data warehouse, I imagine that you’d like to deliver it successfully to the business and run it smoothly on a daily basis. That’s th...
Over this series of four posts, I explore the keys to a successful data warehouse. Last time, I started with design - a reasonable place to begin! The topic of this post is bu...
Over this series of posts, I explore the keys to a successful data warehouse, starting with design. The topics for future posts are: build, operation, and maintenance. In the ...
The combination of WhereScape RED data automation technology and EXASOL's in-memory analytic database gives developers a plethora of new data modelling capabilities. Here are ...
Mark Budzinski, CEO of WhereScape, discusses the promise behind the debut of WhereScape Data Vault Express, the first and only automation software designed specifically for th...
BI Platform sprak op de Datawarehousing & Business Intelligence Summit met Jos Driessen, oprichter van BI demystified, over datawarehouse automation met WhereScape. Jos Driess...
Donderdag 22 oktober bezocht ik op het Europese hoofdkantoor van Nike in Hilversum een event van WhereScape. Deze leverancier van Data Warehouse Automation software had een in...
WhereScape Data Automation software accelerates the design, build and documentation of complex data ecosystems, and allows for fast, iterative collaboration with the business....
BI Platform sprak op de Datawarehousing & Business Intelligence Summit met Jos Driessen, oprichter van BI demystified, over datawarehouse automation met WhereScape. Jos Driess...
In opdracht van WhereScape onderzocht BARC de status, wensen en struikelblokken bij het opzetten van een modern datawarehouse. Het onderzoek brengt de belangrijkste trends ron...
HVR, leverancier van real time cloud-datareplicatie-technologie, en WhereScape, leverancier van data-infrastructuur-automatiseringssoftware, hebben een samenwerking aangekondi...
Tijdens het World Wide Data Vault Consortium-evenement is de Data Vault Alliance bekend gemaakt. Deze nieuwe wereldwijde gemeenschap, waarvan Wherescape een prominente partner...
WhereScape heeft tijdens de EMEA Partner Conference in Lissabon de winnaars onthuld van de allereerste EMEA Partner Awards. Jaap Fanse van Systemation werd onderscheiden met d...
Ordina, onafhankelijk ICT-dienstverlener in de Benelux, en WhereScape, leverancier van automatiseringssoftware voor data-infrastructuren, hebben een samenwerkingsovereenkomst ...
WhereScape introduceert WhereScape Migration Express for Snowflake. Deze oplossing stelt bedrijven in staat om hun datawarehouses, data vaults en datamarts snel, eenvoudig en ...
WhereScape introduceert WhereScape automation with Streaming. IT-afdelingen kunnen hiermee de aanlevering en verwerking van real-time datastromen automatiseren binnen hun best...
WhereScape, specialist in automatisering van data-infrastructuur, kondigt WhereScape automation for Snowflake aan. Deze oplossing is ontworpen om de levering van cloudgebaseer...
De laatste case presentatie DWBI Summit 2017 bekend: WhereScape over meer complexiteit en toch een agile datawarehouse. Voeg complexiteit toe en verander uw huidige datawareho...
Pionier in datawarehouse-automatisering WhereScape is sponsor geworden van de Datawarehousing & Business Intelligence Summit die op 28 en 29 maart 2017 in het Mercure Hotel Am...
Teradata houdt op 22 november 2016 het jaarlijks Teradata Innovation Forum 2016 in de historische Van Nelle Fabriek in Rotterdam. Het forum is de ideale gelegenheid om te hore...