
The rise of the machines

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The accelerating pace of technological change is considered by some to be the most creative and destructive force in finance (PWC), and the industry is facing great pressure to keep up.

In fact, 70% of financial services leaders state that the pace of technological change as a primary concern going forward, the percentage is even higher in banking at 81% (PWC).

12% of financial institutions not using artificial intelligence cited “siloed data sets, fear of failure and unclear internal ownership of emerging technologies” as main factors thwarting innovation (Forbes).

So how will these forces for change and rapid technological advances affect the future of finance? What will be the big challenges facing institutions? What will the workforce of the future look like and what should business and IT leaders be doing right now?

In this report, we’ll be looking at the parts people and computers will play in the future of finance, how this relationship will evolve and what this means for financial institutions today and tomorrow.

Onderwerp: Artificial_Intelligence
Publicatie datum: 1 april 2018
Bedrijfsnaam: Cloudera
Auteur: Cloudera
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01-04-2018  |   PDF

The rise of the machines

01-04-2018  |   PDF

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