Enterprises require fast, cost-efficient solutions to the familiar challenges of engaging customers, reducing risk, and improving operational excellence to stay competitive. The cloud is playing a key role in accelerating time to benefit from new insights.
Managed cloud services that automate provisioning, operation, and patching will be critical for enterprises to leverage the full promise of the cloud when it comes to time to value and agility.
Cloudera and Microsoft’s partnership shows the benefits when a managed big data platform-as-a-service (PaaS) is optimized for the underlying cloud platform—in this case, delivering the cost and agility benefits of the cloud with scalable cloud storage that is optimized for the complex compute problems involved with big data analytics, data engineering, and machine learning.
Download Ovum's paper to learn more about how:
• Enterprises require fast, cost-efficient on-ramps for addressing the familiar challenges of engaging customers, reducing risk, and improving operational excellence.
• The cloud is playing a key role in accelerating time to benefit for gaining new insights.
• Managed cloud services that automate provisioning, operation, and patching will be critical for enterprises to leverage the full promise of the cloud when it comes to time to value and agility.
• Cloudera and Microsoft’s partnership shows the benefits when a managed big data platform- as-a-service (PaaS) is optimized for the underlying cloud platform – in this case, delivering the cost and agility benefits of the cloud with scalable cloud storage that is optimized for the complex compute problems involved with big data analytics, data engineering, and machine learning.
Listen to our podcast with Deutsche Telekom and learn about their new Data Intelligence Hub, built with the support of Cloudera. With many companies looking to leverage data and data platforms for strategic advantage, Deutsche Telekom’s new platform is arriving at a convenient time. The Cloudera platform has enabled Deutsche Telekom to leverage innovative cloud technology which has helped with the management of data. Join us on this exciting to podcast to see how this new platform is going to change the way we look at data.
Accelerate insights from analytics with managed cloud services.
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