
Simplify your response to general data protection regulation (GDPR)

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After dialogue and debate for much of this decade, the European Parliament approved the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) in April 2016. Given this is a Regulation (rather than a Directive), this legislation will apply automatically in every EU country beginning on May 25th, 2018. Many of the requirements are similar to those set out in Directive 95/46/EC (the “EU Directive”); however there are several expanded requirements as well as dramatically increased consequences for non-compliance.

For the majority of organizations, GDPR compliance is an enterprise-wide business problem — a massive cross-departmental effort that impacts oversight, technology, processes and people. This document highlights Cloudera’s capabilities which may be useful as part of the technology portion of an organization’s overall preparations for GDPR.

Onderwerp: General data protection regulation (GDPR)
Publicatie datum: 1 november 2017
Bedrijfsnaam: Cloudera
Auteur: Cloudera
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01-11-2017  |   PDF

Simplify your response to general data protection regulation (GDPR)

01-11-2017  |   PDF

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