Today, having a good digital interface is no longer enough to proactively respond to the customer's needs and demand. In these FOMO (fear of missing out) times you need a different approach. In this webinar we offer some practical examples of how you...
In these critical times, effectively scaling analytics is more important than ever, and a challenge for many organizations. Discover how machine learning and mathematical optimization improve industrial productivity and are helping to transform Solva...
Why is Digital Transformation now more important than ever for mid-sized companies? In this session, Rein Bryssinck talks about the specific challenges mid-size companies are currently facing and how they can accelerate their Digital Transformation w...
Deze workshop met Panos Alexopoulos behandelt de implementatie van Knowledge Graphs en Large Language Models en biedt een uitgebreid raamwerk waarin geavanceerde technieken worden gecombineerd met praktijkcases en oefeningen. Praktische workshop op 20 en 21 mei in Utrecht - schrijf snel in!
At a time when understanding data is more critical than ever, data scientists are in the unique position to influence and drive change through data storytelling. Learn how you can further develop this essential skill to become an indispensable data s...
Rondetafeldiscussie met experts en klanten, live vanuit het Voetbal Innovatiecentrum #11 van de KNVB in Zeist.Met als thema ‘Thriving in the Never Normal’ gaan Vivianne Bendermacher en Heere Blokhuis, Managing Director SAS Benelux, op 26 ...
The Talk of the Geeks is an amusing and interactive session on technical topics that determine the data science landscape of today.Six enthusiastic speakers will travel together with you through time and space and highlight how today’s innovati...
In this last Virtual Friday session, Peter Hinssen asks two experts, Tom Van de Weghe and Fijoy Vadakkumpadan, to share their view on the current infodemic. Today, even ‘reality’ is increasing in uncertainty. Where (most) media used to in...
The world is facing a huge amount of highly complex and intricately connected problems like an ageing population, environmental problems, water problems, migration, terrorism, a new cold war etc. This time Peter Hinssen invites Ann Dooms, leading the...
This week Peter Hinssen welcomes two CX experts, Steven Van Belleghem and Steven Hofmans. More and more commercial approaches involve filters and subscription models. Think about bots like Alexa and Google Home, or food-box subscriptions. This result...
Peter Hinssen invites Rik Vera and Adriaan Van Horenbeek to share their vision on 'Antifragile Operations'. Rik explains how we can design our supply chains, production and logistics to become antifragile. As stated by Nicholas Nassim Taleb, exposure...