The race is on to achieve GDPR compliance by May 2018, and it's time to get practical about operationalizing your data management and governance.This next webinar in our GDPR series shows you how to create a 360 view of your customers with consent ma...
Cloudera heeft op AWS re:Invent bekend gemaakt dat Apache Impala, de op SQL gebaseerde analytische database die zijn oorsprong heeft bij Cloudera, binnenkort beschikbaar zal komen als managed service in de Amazon Web Services cloud.De gehoste cloudve...
Today, leading organizations struggle to make their data scientists productive in their modern data platforms. Data scientists find it difficult to use their existing open source languages (e.g. Python, R) and libraries with Hadoop, especially when t...
Deze workshop met Panos Alexopoulos behandelt de implementatie van Knowledge Graphs en Large Language Models en biedt een uitgebreid raamwerk waarin geavanceerde technieken worden gecombineerd met praktijkcases en oefeningen. Praktische workshop op 20 en 21 mei in Utrecht - schrijf snel in!
Given the speed of change, rapid innovation, and the wide variety of standards and use cases that the Internet of Things (IoT) enables, organizations are increasingly looking at open source architectures for IoT in order to drive innovation and accel...
No fewer than 80% have digital transformation at the centre of their corporate strategy with the aim of improving efficiency, driving innovation and becoming more agile. Though it's clear that insight into the data they hold is going to help them get...
Cloudera heeft een strategisch partnerschap aangekondigd met Hitachi Ltd. om klanten ondersteuning en training te bieden voor de verdere adoptie van Cloudera Enterprise. Hitachi biedt Hitachi OSS Support Service voor Cloudera Enterprise voor extra on...
Tijdens de Big Data Expo, die plaatsvond op 20 en 21 september 2017, sprak Giovanni Lanzani van GoDataDriven voor BI-Platform met Wim Villano, Sales Engineer bij Cloudera. Zij spraken over Cloudera's laatste lanceringen, Kudu en Cloudera Workbench en...
Machine learning and analytics applications are exploding in the enterprise; driving use cases for preventative maintenance, delivering new desirable product offers to customers at the right time, and combating insider threats to your business.Howeve...
Cloudera is a modern platform that gives analytic access to users that need to understand their customers across multiple touch points and multiple enterprise systems. Cloudera not only unlocks the promise of true customer 360 but it also leverages a...
Traditional data warehouse approaches are heavy on the IT dependency and upfront data modelling before any data can flow into the system. As a result, the time to value is long and only materialises once the business can start to use the reposts and ...