GoDataFest is a five-day long celebration of the latest and greatest technology for data-driven organizations, including leading technology providers like Cloudera, Dataiku, DataStax, and Google. Powered by GoDataDriven.From October 16-20, GoDataFest...
Cloudera presenteert de live event Cloudera Now waarin experts hun visie geven over hoe de inzet van (big) data hele bedrijfstakken verandert. Keynote sprekers zijn Cloudera's CEO Tom Reilly en Big Data Evangelist Amy O'Connor en Professor Tom Davenp...
The event that comes to you. Join us for Cloudera Now, a virtual discussion on how leading businesses are using data to disrupt entire industries. You’ll hear Cloudera visionaries and other industry experts strategize on how the right team, the...
Hands-on training dimensioneel modelleren, star schema, waarin de nieuwste technieken worden behandeld voor het vergaren van BI-requirements en het ontwerpen van effectieve datawarehouse- en BI-systemen. Een agile benadering voor dimensioneel modelleren door datawarehouse autoriteit Lawrence Corr op 19 t/m 21 mei in Utrecht.
IoT is reshaping the manufacturing and industrial processes, effectively changing the paradigm from one of repair and replace to more of predict and prevent.Using data streaming from connected equipment and machinery, organizations can now monitor th...
As more Cloudera customers explore the benefits of moving to the cloud, they increasingly need architectural guidance on the best practices for deployment in their enterprise organizations. Chief among these concerns are security and the best topolog...
Cloudera Altus makes it easier for data engineers, ETL developers, and anyone who regularly works with raw data to process that data in the cloud efficiently and cost effectively. Talend is the first data integration solution to run natively with Clo...
Cloudera heeft de aanstelling aangekondigd van Kim Hammonds, bestuurslid en Group Chief Operating Officer bij Deutsche Bank en Mike Stankey, vicevoorzitter van Workday tot lid van de raad van bestuur van Cloudera.Kim Hammonds is bij Deutsche Bank ver...
With 20–30 billion things connected by 2020, IoT has the potential to be one of the most disruptive technological advances in recent ages. However, without the right data management strategy and tools, investments in IoT can yield limited resul...
Investment firms are using machine learning models and other advanced analytics to learn from the past and try to predict the future for trading, risk or compliance. Often time trading model data is highly confidential and needs to be secured. This w...
Cloudera heeft met haar beursgang 225 miljoen dollar opgehaald. Voor een verkoopkoers van 15 dollar zijn 15 miljoen aandelen aangeboden. Cloudera, dat aan de New York Stock Exchange geregisteerd is als CLDR, is bij de beursgang ondersteund door onder...