UK Trade and Investment, in partnership with the Institute of Directors in the Netherlands, The Royal Netherlands Embassy in London and Danny Frietman, founder of the Dutch Mobile Networking Event are honoured to invite you to a unique two day programme, including attendance of the Institute of Director’s Annual Convention, on 17 and 18 September 2013.
This visit is designed to showcase the UK's Digital and Creative strengths to a select group of business leaders, opinion leaders and entrepreneurs from the Dutch Creative and Digital Sectors. You are receiving this personal invitation as a valued relation of the organising parties.
This exclusive event will include:
Day One
Introductory Lunch with guest speaker Mr Jurian van der Meer, MD Endemol Games UK.
Introduction to the UK Digital and Creative Sectors and private tour of Tech City.
Networking reception at hosted by Dutch Ambassador to the United Kingdom at the Ambassador’s Residence in London.
Private Dinner.
Day Two
Discounted attendance at the Institute of Directors Annual Convention at the Royal Albert Hall, featuring keynote speakers Jack Welch, Sir Richard Branson, George Osborne (Chancellor of the Exchequer), Boris Johnson(Mayor of London), Matt Brittin (VP of Google in North & Central Europe) and Joanna Shields (CEO, Tech City), amongst many others.
Attendees will only have to meet the costs of attending the convention (discounted by 20%), their travel and hotel costs.
Places for this sponsored event are very limited. If you would like to join us, we kindly ask that you register your attendance by 31 August 2013.
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