MicroStrategy, leverancier van enterprise analytics en mobility software, heeft een nieuwe update vrijgegeven van MicroStrategy 2019. Dit enterprise platform zorgt voor mobility oplossingen die de digitale transformatie vlekkeloos laten verlopen en v...
Salesforce has acquired Tableau. Google has acquired Looker. Logi has acquired Zoomdata. Sisense is merging with Periscope Data. Alteryx has acquired ClearStory.The BI and analytics space has seen a steady stream of acquisition and merger announcemen...
Uit onderzoek van Pb7 Research en Microstrategy blijkt dat Noord-Europese bedrijven steeds meer datagedreven worden. Ze maken in toenemende mate gebruik van BI-output zoals analyses, rapporten en dashboards. Volgens 86 procent van de respondenten spe...
Deze workshop met Panos Alexopoulos behandelt de implementatie van Knowledge Graphs en Large Language Models en biedt een uitgebreid raamwerk waarin geavanceerde technieken worden gecombineerd met praktijkcases en oefeningen. Praktische workshop op 20 en 21 mei in Utrecht - schrijf snel in!
According to McKinsey, more than 90% of the top 50 banks around the world are using advanced analytics. Like the retail industry, financial services has experienced significant changes in a relatively short period of time, as consumer expectations ha...
MicroStrategy, leverancier van BI- en analyticssoftware, ontvangt hoge productscores van Gartner voor het MicroStrategy 2019 platform. In het rapport 'Critical Capabilities for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms' krijgt MicroStrategy in vi...
One of the key challenges faced by organizations deploying an enterprise-wide analytics solution is the maintenance and upgrade of its applications. Most organizations follow an agile development methodology that entails frequent releases with new co...
Last time I walked through the results of some of our usability testing on HyperCards. As I was talking about the write up with a coworker, he mentioned how cool it would be to actually let people put HyperCards to the test for themselves - "like the...
Over the past few months, I've spent countless hours thinking on, discussing, and writing about HyperIntelligence. I have to admit, there were times when I wondered if we were 'drinking the Kool-Aid' - something easy to do in a product-driven company...
MicroStrategy heeft aangekondigd dat het MicroStrategy 2019 zal introduceren aan doelgroepen die aanwezig zijn bij verschillende conferenties van Gartner. Als exposant op Gartner-conferenties zal MicroStrategy haar nieuwe platform met HyperIntelligen...
Did you know workers can lose up to 40 percent or 16 hours per week of productivity due to multitasking and switching between multiple software applications, resulting in a cumulative corporate loss of 450 billion dollar per year? Those were just som...