On September 12th en 13th the Big Data Expo took place in the Jaarbeurs Utrecht, The Netherlands. BI-Platform made a series of interviews at the Expo with various Data Professionals. In this interview H.F. Chadeisson, Director Sales Engineering Euro...
Op 12 en 13 september 2023 vond de Big Data Expo plaats in de Jaarbeurs Utrecht. BI-Platform was zoals gewoonlijk weer aanwezig en sprak met een aantal professionals uit het vakgebied. Opvallend dit jaar is de stormachtige ontwikkeling van Machine Le...
MicroStrategy kondigt aan dat het is erkend als leider in het rapport Modern Marketing Data Stack 2023: How Data-Forward Marketers Are Redefining Strategies to Unify, Analyze, and Activate Data to Boost Revenue, uitgevoerd en gelanceerd door Snowflak...
Deze workshop met Winfried Etzel behandelt de centrale pijler van Data Mesh: Federated Data Governance. Hoe zorg je voor een goede balans tussen autonomie en centrale regie? Praktische workshop van een halve dag op 3 april in Utrecht - schrijf snel in!
Break through data barriers with future-proof analyticsExplore strategies to overhaul data workflows and level-up your app designs. Get the exclusive from top brands who have radically transformed their business Orlando, FloridaMay 1-4, 2023 Mo...
Discover how NICE’s sales performance management (SPM) solution embeds analytics with MicroStrategy to transform the way organizations handle payments and paychecks. NICE SPM solves even the most difficult workstreams in the sales incenti...
Toggling between multiple applications to find information can take up to 2 hours out of an employee's workweek. This is one reason enterprises are adopting Embedded Analytics tools designed to make information accessible in the applications employee...
How will your organization embrace change in the year to come? Join the global event featuring the technology, methodology, and network you’ll need to own 2022.Hear from analytics experts, global brands, and leading partners on trends and break...
Aftershocks from the global pandemic continue to disrupt markets: from a broken supply chain to a semiconductor chip shortage. The economic fallout is showing no signs of waning, despite the fact that it’s been nearly 2 years since the initial ...
You have questions — and your MicroStrategy Support team has answers.Join us for a presentation, demo, and live Q&A about how you can customize and extend the impact of your intelligence applications using the MicroStrategy Library Mobile S...
Join us for a presentation, demo, and live Q&A about the analytical power offered by MicroStrategy Library. This interactive, web-based application features an optimized UI/UX that allows you to easily view, present, organize, and analyze Dossier...