Last time I walked through the results of some of our usability testing on HyperCards. As I was talking about the write up with a coworker, he mentioned how cool it would be to actually let people put HyperCards to the test for themselves - "like the <insert soft drink here> challenge!" he said without even a twinge of self-consciousness.
So, without further ado, I present to you: The Hyper Challenge.
Now, there are some prerequisites for participating in the challenge: First, you'll need Google Chrome on your computer. Second, you'll need to install the MicroStrategy HyperIntelligence extension from the Google Chrome Web Store.
Getting set up is easy. (I promise.) Navigate to the Google Chrome Web Store
1. Type "HyperIntelligence" in the search bar.
2. Add the HyperIntelligence extension to Google Chrome.
3. Open this blog post in Google Chrome and hover over the company names below to make sure everything is set up correctly:
Apple Facebook Netflix
Now… to the challenge!
Workflow A: Old school research using grids and spreadsheets.
In this workflow, you'll be asked to find three pieces of information about Fortune 500 companies by navigating through a Google Drive spreadsheet.
Click here to access the Google Sheet, set a timer using your phone, and then time how long it takes you to complete the following three tasks:
1. Identify the CEO of Arrow Electronics
2. What's the revenue change for Monsanto Company?
3. How many people work at Pepsi Co.?
How did that go? As expected, right? Now let's try that with zero-click analytics.
Workflow B: Surfacing information with HyperIntelligence
In this workflow, you'll be asked to find three additional pieces of information about the Fortune 500 companies. If you haven't already, please make sure that the HyperIntelligence extension has been installed, is pointing at the correct environment, and that the "companies" card is active (aka green).
Once you've confirmed that everything is set up correctly, set a timer using your phone, and time how long it takes you to complete the following tasks using HyperCards (hint: do a Google search of the company you want to learn more about):
1. Identify the HQ Location of Allstate
2. What are revenues for Colgate-Palmolive Company?
3. How many people work at AT&T?
Tyler Convey is Product Marketing Manager at MicroStrategy.
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