ProClarity was a great analytics tool. However, with Microsoft soon abandoning total support for the product, your deployment is in jeopardy. Learn how you can easily migrate years of views, logic, and insight to Pyramid Analytics BI Office. With bes...
With Birst 6, business people can transform raw data into connected insights quickly and effortlessly. Connected insight means people can connect their prepared data to a network of analytics, enriching their own insights and those of others for smar...
Information Builders heeft haar partnerprogramma Analytics Accelerator gepresenteerd. Dit programma moet het voor system integrators en resellers gemakkelijker en lucratiever maken om WebFOCUS BI en analytics software van Information Builders in de m...
De Erasmus Universiteit en TU-Delft hebben een innovatief platform gelanceerd dat eenvoudig en veilig delen en beheren van (open) onderzoeksdata mogelijk maakt. In deze sessie belicht Jos van Dongen opzet en kansen die dit biedt voor profit en non-profit instellingen. Op 2 april in Utrecht. Schrijf nu in!
Join us for this 45 minute webinar to learn how with new functionality from Pyramid Analytics, organisations can now leverage the full value of their SAP data using best-in-class enterprise business intelligence from Pyramid Analytics - without sacri...
Tableau dumbbell charts, also known as DNA charts, are an alternative visualization choice for illustrating the change between two data points. Dumbbell charts get their slang name from their appearance, which look similar to weights, and sometimes s...
Building out a data platform doesn't have to be like building a House of Cards, and our friends at Netflix know this better than anyone else. Attend this webinar to hear how they simplified their data stack without opening up a portal to the Upside D...
As companies face the challenges arising from a surge in the number of customer interactions and data, it can be difficult to successfully manage the vast quantities of information and still provide a positive customer experience. It is incumbent upo...
Binnen het digitale domein van organisaties lijkt de behoefte te groeien naar gespecialiseerde managers. De CDO (Chief Data Officer) is zo'n expert, die meestal als de rechterhand van de CIO functioneert. Waar de CIO zich vooral richt op de functione...
Two speakers from DataBricks who will talk about the history of and future of Spark. First, Reynold Xin (a co-founder of Databricks) will shed some light on the history and evolution of data processing software. After, Herman, will present how Spark ...
Information Builders is Platina sponsor van de Datawarehousing & Business Intelligence Summit die op 28 en 29 maart 2017 in het Mercure Hotel Amsterdam plaats vindt.Information Builders is leverancier van oplossingen op het gebied van Business Intell...