Welcome to the Fourth Industrial Revolution!
During this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos it was discussed that digital is the main reason just over half of the companies on the Fortune 500 have disappeared since the year 2000. The rapid pace and scale of disruption is unique to the Fourth industrial Revolution.
We are seeing new entrants with new business models, but also established enterprises who are rapidly transforming their business. One thing the all have in common: Data is driving all these developments.
12.00 Lunch & Registration
13.00 Introduction Jim Stolze, Innovation guru, founder of TEDxAmsterdam and television host for RTL Z
13.05 Welcome Vincent Harmsen, Vice President EMEA North East – Informatica
13.15 Presentation “Data: THE driver of the Digital Revolution” Jim Davies, Chief Marketing Officer – Informatica
13.35 Presentation Philips: ‘Philips’ Digital Transformation: do or die’ Bart Luijten, SVP Global Head of Enterprise Information Management – Philips
14.00 Panel discussion including speakers from Philips, Picnic (THE new online supermarket), Amsterdam ArenA (Smart Stadium) & Informatica
14.30 Coffee Break & Networking
14.45 Interactive Break-out Round 1
15.45 Coffee Break & Networking
16.00 Interactive Break-out Round 2
17.05 How to become an industry disruptor? Michiel Muller, entrepreneur, innovator, disruptor & founder – Tango, Route Mobiel & Picnic (brand new online supermarket)
17.35 Q&A and wrap up Jim Stolze, Innovation guru, founder of TEDxAmsterdam and television host for RTL Z
17.45 Walking Dinner
Tuesday 10 May 2016
12:00 – 17:30 h
Amsterdam ArenA
ArenA Boulevard 1
1101 EP Amsterdam
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