Building a Neo4j Cluster with Ansible and Raspberry PI

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We see that a lot of customers running Neo4 as a high available cluster. Though it may sound complicated to build a cluster it’s actually pretty simple with Neo4j. To prove how easy this is: we will create a Neo4j cluster from scratch during this meetup.

Together with Community member Ron van Weverwijk we will create a Neo4j cluster. We will learn how to configure the cluster and how we can configure a load balancer in front of the cluster. We will cover some tips and tricks and off course to make it fun we have arranged some Raspberry Pis to make a cool cluster!
Because we don't like to repeat ourself: We will also cover some basic stuff from Ansible ( to automate the installation.

Thursday 28 January
18:00 - 20:30 uur
Cafe-Restaurant Polder
Science Park 205, Amsterdam



