Last year, we introduced the Process Miner of the Year awards to help you showcase your best work and share it with the process mining community. This year, we will continue the tradition and the best submission will receive the Process Miner of the Year award at this year’s Process Mining Camp, on 29 June in Eindhoven.
Have you completed a successful process mining project in the past months that you are really proud of? A project that went so well, or produced such amazing results, that you cannot stop telling anyone around you about it? You know, the one that propelled process mining to a whole new level in your organization? We are pretty sure that a lot of you are thinking of your favorite project right now, and that you can’t wait to share it.
What we are looking for
We want to highlight process mining initiatives that are inspiring, captivating, and interesting. Projects that demonstrate the power of process mining, and the transformative impact it can have on the way organizations go about their work and get things done.
There are a lot of ways in which a process mining project can tell an inspiring story. To name just a few:
• Process mining has transformed your organization, and the way you work, in an essential way.
• There has been a huge impact with a big ROI, for example through cost savings or efficiency gains.
• You found an unexpected way to apply process mining, for example in a domain that nobody approached before you.
• You were faced with enormous challenges in your project, but you found creative ways to overcome them.
• You developed a new methodology to make process mining work in your organization, or you successfully integrated process mining into your existing way of working.
Of course, maybe your favorite project is inspiring and amazing in ways that can’t be captured by the above examples. That’s perfectly fine! If you are convinced that you have done some great work, don’t hesitate: Write it up, and submit it, and take your chance to be the Process Miner of the Year 2017!
How to enter the contest
You can either send us an existing write-up of your project, or you can write about your project from scratch. It is probably better to start from a white page, since we are not looking for a white paper, but rather an inspiring story, in your own words.
Subscribe and send your submission to no later than 31 May 2017.
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