Process Mining: Data Science in Action

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A new version of the free Coursera course “Process Mining: Data Science in Action” will start on November 28th 2016. The online course has been updated to include the new chapters from the second edition of the Process Mining book. Furthermore, it is now available in on-demand mode, which means that you can join and revisit the course anytime.

Process mining is ideal for data scientists, but also process improvement professionals, process managers, and auditors can greatly benefit from process mining. The online course gives you a great in-depth view into the theory behind process mining and the state of the art in process mining research.

Although it is not strictly necessary to understand the algorithms behind process mining for using a process mining tool, it will greatly enhance your view of the process mining field and we highly recommend to sign up and give it a try.
This is a university-level process mining course of excellent quality, given by Prof. Wil van der Aalst.



