In our last article we provided an overview of the upcoming strict EU directive on data privacy & data protection and how companies will be affected.
Companies dealing with EU citizen data will need to deal with different types of requests, both from EU citizens as well as from local authorities. In certain industries, in case of a data breach or when a company is under suspicion by the public or authorities, these requests can mount to very large numbers and often they?re not easy to respond to and very time-consuming.
Seen the potential width and scale of these requests it?s worth wile to already now consider a service offering as part of the path to compliance.
The ability to ensure privacy & protection of person data is becoming a crucial differentiator for companies and their customers.
The following describes some of the requests a company might get as part of the new EU directive on data privacy & data protection and how a service approach can provide a sustainable solution**:
Who has to deal with these requests?
How to avoid assigning a massive workforce to data privacy & protection?
Data protection and privacy as a service?
* exceptions to deletion and handling exist (e.g.: in healthcare).
** material is based upon the current draft guidelines, which are close to final approval (of end 2014 or beginning of 2015).
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