Cloudera heeft de beschikbaarheid aangekondigd van het krachtigste platform van Cloudera voor datawarehousing en machine learning - Cloudera Enterprise 6.0. Cloudera heeft ook hybride cloud-innovaties van Cloudera Altus aangekondigd, die de controle ...
Cloudera heeft de algemene beschikbaarheid van Cloudera Data Warehouse aangekondigd. Cloudera Data Warehouse is een hybride cloud datawarehouse, vertrouwd door bijna 800 grote ondernemingen om hun data in public clouds en on-premise op te slaan, te a...
Discover the origins of big data, discuss existing and new projects, share common use cases for those projects, and explain how you can modernize your architecture using data analytics, data operations, data engineering and data science.Big Data Fund...
Deze workshop met Panos Alexopoulos behandelt de implementatie van Knowledge Graphs en Large Language Models en biedt een uitgebreid raamwerk waarin geavanceerde technieken worden gecombineerd met praktijkcases en oefeningen. Praktische workshop op 20 en 21 mei in Utrecht - schrijf snel in!
Expectations are changing for and within enterprises. In order to innovate and differentiate, they expect and require ever shorter times to insight into their business. They also require insights that are predictive and prescriptive in nature rather ...
How do you know when your Data Warehousing solution is working well? Surprisingly, when you fail to notice it. Here are some interesting observations that are often taken for granted:1. Credit card transactions are handled safely. True – millions o...
Over the past decade, Cloudera University has taught more than 50,000 developers, administrators, analysts, and data scientists how to apply big data technologies. Developers are learning the APIs, so they can create new applications that were never ...
Cloudera heeft aangekondigd dat het de Microsoft 2018 Global Partner of the Year Open Source Data & AI Award heeft gewonnen. Het bedrijf wordt geëerd in een wereldwijd veld van top Microsoft-partners voor excellentie in innovatie en implemen...
One of the worst things that can happen in mission-critical production environments is loss of data and another is downtime. For a search service that provides end users with easy access to data using natural language, downtime would mean complete ha...
Cloudera Now is a virtual discussion on how leading businesses are using machine learning to deliver business value across a whole set of industries and use cases.
Introducing Cloudera’s must-attend machine learning virtual event featuring the industry’s biggest names and Cloudera’s machine learning leaders.27 June 1:00pm4:30pm BSTRegister