Collibra heeft de lancering aangekondigd van Collibra Privacy & Risk, een enterprise-grade product waarmee organisaties proactief persoonlijke data assets kunnen beheren door naleving van privacyregelgeving mogelijk te maken, gegevens te beschermen e...
We all know our future for data warehousing is in the cloud. As we start making our way there, we recognize a number of challenges - there is no one cloud that can solve all our needs today, and there is no single step to move everything we have on-p...
The CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Proposed Rule lays the foundation for healthcare interoperability. If finalized as proposed, the rule will require health plans participating in Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, MCOs and other government funde...
Met o.a. Alec Sharp, Nicola Askham, Winfried Etzel, Sjoukje Zaal, Victor de Graaff en Linda Terlouw. Enkele topics: Cloud Data Architecture, Testen van Data, Data Mesh & Federated Data Governance, Datamodelleren, DWH design met Gen-AI. Schrijf nu in!
With the growth of Apache Kafka’s adoption in all major streaming initiatives across large organizations, the operational and visibility challenges associated with Kafka are on the rise as well. Kafka users want better visibility in understandi...
HVR, leverancier van real time cloud-datareplicatie-technologie, en WhereScape, leverancier van data-infrastructuur-automatiseringssoftware, hebben een samenwerking aangekondigd. Samen willen WhereScape en HVR automatisering en snelle data-integratie...
A smarter way for manufacturers to deliver data and get products to market faster – The benefits of product data syndication.Manufacturers are no strangers to the ramifications of the new data economy and how it has changed consumer expectation...
Tijdens SAS Analytics Forum 2019 op 6 juni in het NBC te Nieuwegein sprak BI-Platform met Véronique Van Vlasselaer, Decision Scientist bij SAS. Véronique Van Vlasselaer gaf tijdens SAS Analytics Forum 2019 een presentatie in de serie Ta...
The future of enterprise data management is hybrid and multi-cloud. In fact, “a recent Gartner cloud adoption survey showed that of those companies on the public cloud, 81% were using more than one cloud service provider." CDP Data Hub with Clo...
As more companies adopt artifical intelligence (AI), placing machine learning (ML) models into the hands of developers is imperative. To that end, the Center for Open-Source Data & AI Technologies (CODAIT) launched IBM Model Asset eXchange (MAX) in 2...
Drie weken na de officiële overname van Red Hat voor 34 miljard dollra kondigt IBM aan dat het haar softwareportfolio getransformeerd heeft om cloud-native te zijn en geoptimaliseerd om op Red Hat OpenShift te werken. Bedrijven kunnen nu missiek...