Datum: | 27-06-2017 t/m 27-06-2017 |
Organisator: | Jihane Naji |
E-mail: | jnaji@board.com |
Website: | http://www.board.com/en/b101_amsterdam |
Telefoon: | 06-57992575 |
Plaats: | Amsterdam |
Locatie: | SkyLounge Double Tree Hilton Hotel |
BOARD 10.1 is the first step of a transformative journey that will progressively extend the reach of the BOARD platform to decision-making tasks traditionally performed by humans, creating disruptive business advantages for organizations. Our guest speaker Gerrit van Voorst of DIY retail chain Intergamma explains why their finance department needed the transformation in order to future-proof their business. Discover why BOARD 10.1 drastically improves the way in which business users can leverage enterprise data to make smarter, faster and shared decisions. Come join us at a sky high Panoramic SkyLounge in Amsterdam!
BOARD International is a global provider of Business Intelligence and Performance Management software. Founded in 1994, BOARD International has enabled over 3,000 companies worldwide to improve the effectiveness of their management decision making processes, unifying BI and CPM in a single integrated environment. BOARD provides a seamless solution for the support, control and management of core processes such as:
Thanks to its programming-free toolkit approach, global organizations such as Acer, DHL, KPMG, Mitsubishi, NEC, Puma, Siemens, Toyota have rapidly deployed end-to end decision-making applications in a fraction of the time and cost associated with traditional solutions. Headquartered in Chiasso, Switzerland, and Boston, MA, BOARD International has branches in US, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Benelux, UAE, Singapore, Australia, India, Japan, China, Mexico, Argentina and a worldwide network of distributors and certified partners.
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