February 18, 2016
Time: 12:00 p.m. ET
Sumit Sarkar, Chief Data Evangelist, Progress DataDirect
Gene Arnold, Sales Engineer, TIBCO Software Inc. / Jaspersoft
Access MongoDB from Your Favorite BI Tool—Seamlessly
Adoption for MongoDB is growing and disrupting existing business intelligence (BI), analytics and data integration infrastructure. Standards-based connectivity is required to leverage BI and analytics apps in order for you to effectively respond to crucial business questions. There are now multiple options to connect to MongoDB for BI and this webinar will contrast the Progress® DataDirect® ODBC/JDBC BI connectors to the MongoDB BI Connector, which was announced last summer.
Implementing BI Connectors to MongoDB enables your analytics applications (such as SAS, Tableau, MicroStrategy or TIBCO Jaspersoft), to reliably access JSON documents over a standard BI interface and expanding your MongoDB footprint with no change in infrastructure.
TIBCO Jaspersoft will join us to share their experiences about integrating MongoDB with their BI platform. Find out how their customers make faster decisions with timely, actionable data insights.
During this webinar, you'll learn:
* What to consider for BI with MongoDB?
* When to utilize MongoDB's Connector for BI versus Progress DataDirect's solution
* How TIBCO Jaspersoft selected the connector for their BI platform
Be sure to catch the live demo for SQL access to MongoDB.
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