Open source BI Suite geïmplementeerd op de Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
Pentaho Corporation, the commercial open source alternative for business intelligence (BI), recently announced that Nutricia North America, a division of Group Danone, has deployed the Pentaho BI Suite in production running on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Implemented by Pentaho Certified Partner OpenBI, the application integrates data from disparate systems to provide analytical insight across Nutricia's product lines, customers and geographies. Prior to the Pentaho deployment, Nutricia employees had a difficult time collecting and analyzing information across product lines, time periods and geographies. Nutricia deployed Pentaho's commercial open source BI Suite to provide dashboard, data integration, and analysis capabilities. The solution featured standardized web-based metrics and interactive OLAP analysis to allow business users to analyze key information at any level of detail. The Pentaho experts at OpenBI were able to deliver a complete data mart and dashboard solution in less than six weeks. Nutricia integrated its on-site Sage MAS90, Microsoft SQL Server data with the cloud-based implementation of Pentaho and the MySQL database on Amazon EC2. At first, Nutricia considered more traditional hosting environments, but the Amazon cloud environment offered superior flexibility in pricing, capacity and on-demand scalability. "The experts at OpenBI addressed our business requirements and were able to rapidly deliver a comprehensive and integrated solution," said Scott Grabo, Director of IS at Nutricia. "With Pentaho, MySQL, and Amazon EC2, we now have a low-cost, standards-based solution that can easily scale from both a software and hardware perspective." Bron: B Eye Network2 april 2025 Schrijf in voor al weer de twaalfde editie van ons jaarlijkse congres met wederom een ijzersterke sprekers line-up. Op deze editie behandelen wij belangrijke thema’s als Moderne (Native-Cloud) Data Architecturen, Datawarehouse Desi...
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