
Talend introduceert open source Master Data Management

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Eerste geïntegreerde open source platform voor data integratie, data kwaliteit, masterdata en data-stewardship.

Talend introduceert de eerste open source Master Data Management oplossing. Hiermee komt een betaalbare, alternatieve MDM-oplossing op de markt.Het is bovendien het eerste open source platform dat geïntegreerde data integratie, data kwaliteit, master data en data stewardship biedt - tegen een fractie van de kosten van de traditionele complexe en op zichzelf staande oplossingen. Dat brengt het snel en gemakkelijk invoeren van MDM binnen handbereik. Talend MDM’s unieke datamodel maakt het voor organisaties mogelijk om direct een data domein te modelleren en te beheren en systematisch de data kwaliteit te verbeteren. De oplossing reduceert de complexiteit en biedt de benodigde tools voor data-stewardship,om teams te helpen op een efficiënte manier samen te werken aan master data en te voldoen aan de eisen die data governance stelt.-------Key features of Talend’s new MDM open-source software include:• Active Data Model Talend’s Active Data Model allows organisations to immediately model and master any data domain without a constraining data model. It is the centre of the master data implementation and drives integration and synchronisation with external systems to reduce system complexity and time to deploy. XML based, Talend MDM permits an iterative definition of the data model to gain alignment from business users and ensure adoption upon launch. • Domain Driven IntegrationTalend MDM uses a unique event manager to drive when and where data is synchronised, augmented or distributed. A graphical tool provides over 400 proven components and connectors to build without coding integration processes that are integrated with the master data. • Master Data QualityThe XML-based Active Data Model provides features that allow users to validate, resolve, and augment master data. The solution also delivers a robust data profiling tool and provides components for name and address standardisation, callouts to external standardisation services and augmentation routines.• Data StewardshipThe Talend MDM collaborative interface allows users to search and author hub data and appropriate stewardship tools to manage the process of updating the data as well. The intuitive interface is driven by Talend MDM’s Active Data model and dynamically mirrors the data model definition. All validations found on the model instantiate themselves as validations on Web-based forms. Workflow process is easy to define and provides a strong set of tools for a team to collaborate on and create a trusted and reliable set of master data.• Talend StudioTalend Studio is an intuitive management console based on Eclipse that allows users to build and manage the data model, define integration jobs, administer data quality and create stewardship workflows to support the creation of master data all in a single interface. It also provides unique functions for creating versions of hub data and hierarchy management. Talend MDM is available immediately and exists in two editions. Talend MDM Community Edition is provided under the GPL license and can be downloaded at no charge here.Talend MDM Enterprise Edition is provided under a subscription license. Bron: Talend


