Toolset vereenvoudigt SQL Server database-ontwikkeling, beheer en performancetuning.
Embarcadero is arming SQL Server developers and DBAs with a toolset designed to simplify many of the most common and complex tasks associated with developing, administering and optimizing SQL Server databases. The new toolset, dubbed DB PowerStudio for SQL Server, combines several of Embarcadero’s most popular database tools into a lower-cost studio offering that makes it easier and more affordable for SQL Server professionals to improve the performance and availability of their databases. DB PowerStudio for SQL Server is available in two editions, a Developer Edition and a DBA Edition. Both editions include the following tools and capabilities: *Rapid SQL – An integrated development environment that simplifies SQL scripting, query building, object management and version control in live databases or offline source code repositories. *DB Change Manager - A powerful tool that simplifies tasks such as tracking and reporting on database changes, rolling out new releases and pinpointing the cause of performance problems stemming from changes in data, schema and database configuration. It also allows test data to be masked to comply with privacy mandates. *DB Optimizer – A SQL performance optimization tool that allows users to quickly discover, diagnose and optimize poor-performing SQL with an interactive Visual SQL Tuner. The DBA Edition also includes a DBArtisan Workbench tool: *DBArtisan Workbench – A database administration tool that enables DBAs to work with multiple SQL Server versions and databases from a single interface. DBArtisan provides graphical editors and wizards to streamline routine tasks and reduce errors so users can manage larger, more complex databases. It also helps identify performance, capacity and storage management issues before they become problems. DB PowerStudio for SQL Server complements the basic capabilities within Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). But unlike SSMS and many other tools, the tools in DB PowerStudio work across multiple versions of SQL Server from the same interface, making it easier for SQL Server professionals to work across varied environments. In addition, DB PowerStudio comes with Embarcadero’s unique ToolCloud technology. ToolCloud technology enables users to access DB PowerStudio from any Windows desktop instantly, without having to do a conventional install. It also allows larger organizations to track and manage license usage to minimize licensing costs and maximize team productivity. DB PowerStudio for SQL Server is available now. In North America, the Developer Edition is priced at € 995,00 and the DBA Edition is priced at 1,995,00 euro. Prices include the first year of support and maintenance. These prices represent a cost savings of more than 70 percent when compared to purchasing each tool separately. DB PowerStudio for SQL Server can also be extended to support other major DBMS platforms. Source: Barnsten.2 april 2025 Schrijf in voor al weer de twaalfde editie van ons jaarlijkse congres met wederom een ijzersterke sprekers line-up. Op deze editie behandelen wij belangrijke thema’s als Moderne (Native-Cloud) Data Architecturen, Datawarehouse Desi...
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