With GDPR arriving in just a few months, do you know how important full data lineage is to avoid huge fines? Of course WhereScape automation builds data warehouses up to 100x faster than hand coding, but did you know it also supplies the full data li...
25th May 2018. The day GDPR becomes a reality. And with it comes a fundamental change to the way that we manage and distribute data. As everyone knows by now, it is not a 'nice to take notice of' initiative; it is a 'must comply with' piece of legisl...
Living in a vault, especially of the underground variety, doesn't sound too pleasant to me. However, a vault can also mean a roof in the form of an arch, as in a cathedral. To that point, living in a Data Vault demands some over-arching thought, unit...
Met o.a. Alec Sharp, Nicola Askham, Winfried Etzel, Sjoukje Zaal, Victor de Graaff en Linda Terlouw. Enkele topics: Cloud Data Architecture, Testen van Data, Data Mesh & Federated Data Governance, Datamodelleren, DWH design met Gen-AI. Schrijf nu in!
So, I'm playing a little with words here. I'm certainly not advocating locking anybody or anything in a Data Vault. I want to share how you can lock in success as you design and deliver your new Data Vault. I assume you have your business people full...
The term Data Vault evokes an image of a safe and secure place to store your most important, core data assets. A lot of engineering goes into its design and delivery to ensure it does that job. However, there also is another image - a large, steel do...
In the final article of this series, I address the topic of maintaining the data warehouse that has been designed, built, and deployed over the previous three articles. But, maintenance is too small a word for what is entailed!In more traditional IT ...
Having designed and built your data warehouse, I imagine that you’d like to deliver it successfully to the business and run it smoothly on a daily basis. That’s the topic of today’s article.As digitalization continues apace across a...
Over this series of four posts, I explore the keys to a successful data warehouse. Last time, I started with design - a reasonable place to begin! The topic of this post is build, with operation and maintenance to follow.Even with a beautiful design ...
Over this series of posts, I explore the keys to a successful data warehouse, starting with design. The topics for future posts are: build, operation, and maintenance. In the design of a data warehouse and, indeed, over the entire warehouse journey, ...
WhereScape, specialist in automatisering van data-infrastructuur, kondigt WhereScape automation for Snowflake aan. Deze oplossing is ontworpen om de levering van cloudgebaseerde data-infrastructuurprojecten te versnellen.WhereScape automation for Sno...