Op 14 april wordt de jaarlijkse Oracle HCM Day georganiseerd in het Oracle kantoor aan de Hertogswetering 163-167 in Utrecht.
Over the next decade a new generation will start to enter the workforce. Hyper-connected, entrepreneurial, but lacking the corporate loyalty of their predecessors. This new generation of digital natives, or iGeneration as we call it, could possibly be HR’s worst nightmare. But with the right people strategy and the appropriate tools, they could also be the key to shaping a successful future for your business. Are you ready for a new generation of employees?
The Oracle HCM Day is a full-day event focusing on inspiration, interaction and information related to today’s HR business challenges and specifically the workforce of the future. How do they work, what motivates them? Learn from business cases like LinkedIn, Randstad, AkzoNobel and Atradius and get inspired by keynote speakers like Menno Lanting (strategist, innovator and author of ‘De slimme organisatie – De toekomst van werk, leiderschap en innovatie’).
Don’t miss out on this event and register now!
What & when?
Be sure not to miss the event of the year and join us for the annual knowledge-sharing and networking event for HCM professionals, theOracle HCM Day: Meet the iGeneration, the workforce of the future on Tuesday 14th of April at the Oracle headquarters in Utrecht.
Why attend?
On the 14th of April, the HCM Day 2015 will set the bar at the highest level by bringing together HR influencers and decision-makers for an interactive and inspirational event. The Oracle HCM Day will bring you insights on HR business topics and a sneak preview into the near HR future. Host of the dayMenno Lanting, will create room for discussion and plenty of inspiration. With interesting key-note speakers, valuable business cases and possibilities to meet with your peers, you definitely don’t want to miss this event!
Learn from industry leaders, Oracle experts, partners and your peers on how to overcome challenges, embrace new opportunities and benefit from the latest technologies. Register now and reserve your seat. Registration is free of charge.
Our agenda is evolving all the time. So stay tuned for more information about speakers and topics!
Join the virtual conversation about the Oracle HCM Day today by using the official event hash tag#HCMday15.
We look forward to welcoming you on April 14th!
Note: This event is free of charge for end users. Oracle partners (with the exception of the sponsoring partners), consultants, or other IT vendors pay an entrance fee of € 750. Please contact Conny Groen in 't Woud conny.groen@oracle.com for more information.
Were you there? Oracle HCM Day 2014
Do you want to know about last years’ edition of the Oracle HCM Day in Amsterdam? For a compilation, please click on the video!
Please klick here for registration.
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