Retain’s unified archiving is for organisations that need to store electronic communication because of legal, technical and economic reasons. Retain is a flexible, powerful, multi-platform archiving solution that provides simple eDiscovery, messaging archiving and data publishing for any size organization, on-premise or in the cloud.
Archiving for Office 365
In order to comply with current retention laws and to satisfy all customer needs the Microsoft Office Enterprise E3 licenses offer inbuilt archiving functions. However, the implementation of a third party archiving solution can result in a number of advantages for all levels of Office 365 customers, including E3. Retain for example provides many additional capabilities like sophisticated eDiscovery tools. For organisations that bought Small Business Premium or Midsize Business licenses a third party archiving solution is the only way to archive their data. Since these licenses do not include any archiving functions, Retain is the only way to comply with retention laws. Besides the risk of compliance violations, the risk of losing important information is de?nitely too high for these organisations. In general all organisations that want to store their data on premise have to use a third-party solution. With the Office 365 archiving functions data can only be stored in the cloud.
There are a lot of good reasons for Retain
For organisations that want to store their data locally or simply need an archiving solution with additional capabilities, Retain is the ideal solution. The solution provides organisations with flexible archiving functionalities. Sophisticated technologies such as eDiscovery tools and Single- Instance Storage (deduplication) reduce the complexity of the Exchange system, minimise costs and help to comply with internal and external retention laws. Additionally the quick and easy retrieval of old emails helps each user to work efficiently with their stored data. No matter where information is stored, Retain provides instant and easy access for eDiscovery and end user accessibility. Retain archives Microsoft Exchange (incl. Microsoft Lync), Microsoft Office 365 (Exchange Online) as well as Facebook and Twitter.
Considering a move to Office 365?
Retain can help you migrate from your current messaging system to Office 365. Simply archive all of your messaging data to Retain, implement Office 365, then restore your archived data to your new Office 365 system. There is no need to worry about lost messaging data or files with Retain. After implementing Office 365 - should you ever decide to move back to Exchange - Retain gives you the ability to do so. The archived messaging data is the same, therefore you can be assured that migrating to and from Office 365 will be easy and seamless.
System Requirements
Retain Server
Retain Worker
Database Systems
Exchange Versions
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