The database management landscape is evolving and showing no sign of slowing. More organizations than ever are operating in multi-platform environments that span cloud, on-premises and hybrid architectures. As these data ecosystems become more complex, organizations continue to face mounting challenges in maintaining performance, security and efficiency. In this webinar, we’ll break down the state of the market, uncover the top trends shaping the industry and show how these shifts will affect the roles of data professionals.
Join us as we explore key findings from the new Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) report, The Database Management Market Landscape and the Evolving DBA. You’ll get to hear directly from ESG Senior Analyst Stephen Catanzano, who authored the report, as well as the Quest® team of experts.
We’ll dive into the growing demand for automation and AI-driven insights and show how to address the most prevalent challenges you’re facing today. Whether you’re a DBA, analyst or IT leader, this session will provide valuable insights to help you navigate the future of database management with confidence.
We’ll discuss:
The rise of complexity and why organizations are going multi-platform
The core challenges of using multiple platforms and how to address them
The continuously evolving role of data professionals
April 24
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
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