On September 11th en 12th the Data Expo took place in the Jaarbeurs Utrecht, The Netherlands. BI-Platform made a series of interviews at the Expo with various Data Professionals. BI-Platform had a conversation with Marc Linster, Chief Product Officer at EDB, in which he tells us what the status is around EDB and Postgres, and in which sectors of the Dutch market he sees the most deployments of Postgres. Also he tells us about the new features of the Postgres 17 release, and the handling of a combination of AI and analytics workloads in EDB Postgres AI.
0:00 Introduction
0:17 What is the status around EDB?
0:51 How strong is Postgres as open source database currently?
1:53 How is Postgres 16 doing?
3:50 If you look at the Netherlands; in which sectors you see most deployments?
5:07 How do you keep up with Generative AI?
All video interviews recorded during the Data Expo 2024 will appear on our YouTube channel. Stay tuned and feel free to subscribe.
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