Datum: | 23-05-2024 t/m 23-05-2024 |
Organisator: | Progress |
E-mail: | mbruins@progress.com |
Website: | https://www.progress.com/resources/webinars/bringing-data-closer-to-decision-makers-with-data-fabric?utm_medium=social-paid&utm_source=biplatform&utm_campaign=smp_bnl_webinar |
Plaats: | webinar |
Locatie: | online |
Join Andy Hayler, Practice Leader, Data as an Asset at Bloor Research and Stephen Crook, Principal Sales Engineer at Progress as they explore challenges and successful deliveries of data fabrics in the industry.
Modern organizations are laser-focused on delivering business value from technology initiatives. As a result, Data and Analytics leaders are partnering with their IT and Marketing counterparts to align their strategies for optimal results. This can lead to a balancing act between centralizing functions like data security and compliance and decentralizing data ownership so business users can drive projects autonomously.
Data management is coming of age with modern data architecture patterns like data fabric and data mesh. Data fabric has gained traction because it's flexible enough to adapt to complex data growth and scale with business needs. Using a semantic layer, data fabrics weave data and metadata into a unified view to enable reusable and accessible knowledge on demand across the organization. This promotes better collaboration, less reliance on IT teams for data operations and greater self-service for data analytics. But how far are we in reaching the full promise of data fabrics?
Join special guest Andy Hayler, Practice Leader, Data as an Asset at Bloor Research and Stephen Crook, Principal Sales Engineer at Progress as they explore challenges and successful deliveries of data fabrics in the industry.
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