Automate your Data Mesh implementation with Modelio and Datavault Builder

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Datum: 08-09-2022
Organisator: 2150 Datavault Builder AG
Telefoon: +41 32 511 27 89
Plaats: Zoom
Locatie: Zoom

In this webinar you will learn how the architecture digitized process from Acceliance can help govern a single Data Model and deploy different parts of it to different Datavault Builder instances.

In the realm of new Data platforms the concern of global governance has aroused from the difficulty to implement all the use cases in a single Datalake/warehouse. Is it possible to govern a single Federal Data Model and still keep multiple instances of Data Platforms consistently aligned?
Learn in this webinar how the architecture digitized process from Acceliance can help govern a single Data Model and deploy different parts of it to different Datavault Builder instances.

Acceliance brings the process to envision, communicate and conceptualize the Enterprise Data Model and push it in the heart of Datavault Builder with proper concepts, attributes and documentation. Datavault Builder brings the power of connecting the existing data sources and deliver the needed data to real use cases.

You will see how combining the two will accelerate the Data Mesh strategy in your enterprise.
Following the demo an open discussion will take place so you can ask your questions.
