This 30-minute live demo takes you on a journey through the Azure tool suite, showing you the impact that WhereScape Data Automation makes on the speed and productivity of your Microsoft infrastructure.
Rather than hand coding the ETL process of moving data into a data warehouse on Azure Synapse, WhereScape enables you to create that same data flow using a drag and drop GUI, a code generator and the speed of ELT. This is the process that a WhereScape solutions architect will guide you through, automatically documenting the whole process as they go.
WhereScape has an Azure Enablement Pack that is configured precisely to the needs of the Azure suite. This target- and source-specific functionality includes the necessary code generation templates, data source mapping sets, function sets and scripts that enable you to use WhereScape with Azure, significantly reducing time to value.
After the demo there will be an opportunity to ask questions in a Q&A session, so if there’s anything you would like to ask about Data Automation and its application to Azure tools, this is your opportunity.
Thursday April 14, 2022
09:00 PT / 11:00 CT – duration 30 mins
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