Governance for Self-Service Analytics at Scale

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Are you confident that your organisation’s data is trusted, governed and ready to drive decisions? More than ever, people are collaborating with data, breaking down data silos across the organisation and discovering new insights that drive impact.

While having a self-service analytics model allows business people to answer their own business questions and frees up IT from being a report factory, it can also raise concerns of reports and dashboards getting out of control. If you try to limit who can publish analytic content through the traditional approach of centralised BI, you’ll find this simply cannot scale.

With Tableau’s self-service data preparation tools you can have governance and freedom as we put the power in the hands of those who know the data best, while reducing the burden on IT to prepare it. However, this new skill set still needs to be developed and rolled out to enable users to perform prep functions effectively, establish automated processes, and build confidence in the data for wider use. Join as we explore how to create a data-driven analytics culture at scale.

July 08, 2021
11:00am - 11:45am AEST

