The constant bombardment with stories on the possibilities and dangers of artificial intelligence might give you the impression that we are dealing with a “new new” phenomenon. Nothing is further from the truth. Actually, artificial intelligence ...
TNO pleit er voor om experimentele omgevingen in te richten waarin AI-systemen voor algoritmische publieke besluitvorming worden beproefd. Door verschillende betrokkenen zoals burgers, gebruikers en beleidsmakers daarbij te betrekken komen beperkinge...
As with all other key aspects of the economy, the global health crisis we are going through is having a deep impact on AI developments in organizations. In an environment compatible with remote work, COVID-19 acts as a catalyst for reinforced data us...
Met o.a. Alec Sharp, Nicola Askham, Winfried Etzel, Sjoukje Zaal, Victor de Graaff en Linda Terlouw. Enkele topics: Cloud Data Architecture, Testen van Data, Data Mesh & Federated Data Governance, Datamodelleren, DWH design met Gen-AI. Schrijf nu in!
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most popular topics in the tech industry, along with IoT, cloud and blockchain, to mention just a few. Although it is a very promising technology, it is also connected with very high expectations, quite ofte...
With the rise of AI across all facets of society, ethics is proving to be the new frontier of technology. Public awareness, press scrutiny, and upcoming regulations are mandating organizations and the data science community to embed ethical principle...
The risks of the use of AI have long remained limited, as until recently, AI was confined to academics or research and development. But over the last few years, the rise of this technology and its practical applications in business as well as in the ...
I.AM+, het technologiebedrijf opgericht door artiest en ondernemer, en IBM hebben hun krachten gebundeld om de acceptatie van AI te versnellen en klantdata verantwoord te beheren nu het gebruik van AI mainstream wordt.Het Omega AI-platform ...
IBM bepleit nauwkeurige regulering van AI en ondersteunt gericht beleid dat het verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel bij organisaties moet vergroten. Het IBM Policy Lab is een nieuw forum dat beleidsmakers een visie en bruikbare aanbevelingen biedt om de...