The first half of 2020 has given birth to a transformation with unprecedented speed - the Virtual Wave. Initiatives that once required in-person collaboration and onsite support are now digital, and MicroStrategy is committed to bringing you the benefits of this new reality.
That’s why we’ve introduced Expert.Now - a new way for our customers and partners to connect immediately and face-to-face with MicroStrategy’s best and brightest resources. If you’re looking for instant help or advice on building reports and dossiers, designing HyperIntelligence cards or mobile apps, integrating new data sources, upgrading your platform, moving to the cloud, or general support, our team of analysts, architects, developers, and data scientists are standing by to help you succeed. We’re inviting your organization to take advantage of MicroStrategy’s on-demand expertise with a free 30-day trial.
The Expert.Now setup is included in the MicroStrategy Education Architect Pass, an annual subscription that includes access to our brand’s entire catalog of live and on-demand courseware. The Architect Pass provides subscribers with access to the experts who can enable them to transform the applications, environments, and businesses they oversee. As the demand for online analytics training increases, we encourage data enthusiasts to explore all that the 30-day free trial of the Architect Pass has to offer.
New Momentum for Analytics Training, Upskilling
According to a Business Higher Education Forum (BHEF) and Gallup report, 59% of employers say that this year, analytics and data science skills will be required of all their finance and accounting managers; 51% said they will be required of all marketing and sales managers; 49% said they will be required of all executive leaders; and 48% said they will be required of all operations managers. With an increased focus on data-driven decision making, enterprise organizations should plan not only for recruiting and retaining data and analytics talent, but also educating, reskilling, and upskilling current employees.
Employees want this too. In a recent Covid-19 business impact survey conducted by MicroStrategy, more than half (54%) of the analytics and BI professionals responding say they now have a personal focus on improving their work-related skills or learning new ones.
In fact, to meet the critical need for more upskilling and training, MicroStrategy Education quickly helped more than 20,000 members of our analytics community acquire valuable training and certifications on MicroStrategy 2020 in the past few months. Our Education program was available for free to all, and it received an extraordinary response from students looking to expand data literacy, upskill workers adversely impacted by Covid-19, and educate a new wave of novice analysts, up through the most experienced Intelligence Center architects to thrive in the data economy. MicroStrategy’s program of continuous training and certification designed for the essential roles in an organization’s Intelligent Enterprise - combined with the new Expert.Now offering - gives employees the added confidence that they’re delivering the best for their organization.
Hugh Owen is Executive Vice President Education at MicroStrategy.
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