When we launched MicroStrategy 2019 last year, the reaction from our customers told us we were entering a new era of analytics - instead of expecting users to seek answers in a dashboard (spoiler alert: most users don't bother), answers come to users in the productivity and business apps they already use.
Many of you jumped to implement HyperIntelligence, using it to break the boundaries of traditional dashboard-based analytics, and making it our fastest-growing product ever. But you pushed us to take it even further, so we made MicroStrategy 2020 even faster, stronger, and smarter. Here's what’s new and what MicroStrategy 2020 helps users to do:
1. Bring HyperIntelligence to even more employees and applications.
MicroStrategy 2020 expands HyperIntelligence to even more applications and users. HyperIntelligence for iOS and Android puts your enterprise in your pocket - automatically notifying mobile employees with the information they need for upcoming meetings and providing a simple search interface to find answers fast. HyperIntelligence for Office integrates with Microsoft Outlook and automatically gives you insights about key topics (customers, employees, products, etc.) it finds while you respond to emails. We’ve also expanded HyperIntelligence for Web by adding support for Microsoft’s new Chromium based Edge browser.
2. Leapfrog traditional dashboards with a modern, self-service Dossier.
With the original release of Dossier in MicroStrategy 2019, we rethought dashboards by adding storytelling elements such as chapters and pages, bookmarks, and collaboration. In MicroStrategy 2020, we’ve significantly enhanced our customers’ ability to create beautiful pages with the new free-form canvas, improved interactivity with attribute/metric selectors and cross-dossier linking, and reinvented the grid with a new compound grid that makes it possible to build more sophisticated tables and grids.
3. Embrace an open strategy for your data scientists and business users.
We believe that users should have the flexibility to use the tools that they know and love, without having to sacrifice data trust and consistency. In addition to the Tableau, Power BI, and Qlik connectors we previously released, in MicroStrategy 2020, we’ve added new connectors for Jupyter Notebook, RStudio and Excel - enabling data scientists and analysts to do their best work and share it using the MicroStrategy platform.
4. Deploy quickly across your enterprise in the cloud or on-premises.
Most Analytics vendors will require you to make a choice: either lock yourself into their proprietary Cloud, or deploy an older, on premise solution. MicroStrategy 2020 gives you choice without compromising functionality. MicroStrategy 2020 can now be deployed on Azure, AWS or on-premises with no compromise on functionality - while providing customers the flexibility to move between clouds and on-premises deployments in the future.
These improvements embody our vision of Intelligence Everywhere. It has been our guiding light for 30 years, and it's no coincidence that it is now our official tagline. As a Challenger in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms, we believe Gartner is validating what our customers already know and new ones are quickly finding out — that MicroStrategy 2020 alone offers a modern, open, enterprise-grade platform that is driving a new era of HyperIntelligence.
For organizations still stuck in the past decade of traditional analytics, 2020 is your launchpad to the future.
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