How do you know when your Data Warehousing solution is working well? Surprisingly, when you fail to notice it. Here are some interesting observations that are often taken for granted:
1. Credit card transactions are handled safely. True – millions of credit card transactions are processed within minutes for consistency, fraud and compliance, using petabytes of historical transactions as reference data.
2. Banks know more about their customers today. It is a reality – leading banks perform hundreds of analytical experiments every day on their massive data sets to find the next bit of information about their customers.
3. Thousands of cyber threats against businesses are thwarted every day. It goes unnoticed but cyber threats are routinely hunted down by correlating hundreds of attributes from disparate data sources – even as data types and formats evolve.
4. Leading insurers are underwriting policies with lower risks. Data teams in these insurance firms are leading the charge in rebuilding entire business models around data and analytics.
When good stuff happens in the background, and we take it for granted, we know the technology behind the scenes is working. In each of the cases outlined above, the technology enabler is a new generation of data warehouses. We call it ‘Modern Data Warehousing’. Simply put, modern data warehousing enables our customers to confidently share petabytes of verified data across thousands of users while surpassing demands of SLAs and limited budgets.
We are announcing Cloudera Data Warehouse – our battle-tested modern data warehousing solution – formerly known as Cloudera Analytic DB. Where traditional data warehousing begins to fall apart – we step in with Cloudera Data Warehouse. And stepped in we have – into 900 of the largest organizations in the world.
Cloudera Data Warehouse delivers an enterprise-grade, hybrid cloud solution built for powerful, scalable, and affordable self-service analytics. It covers the whole lifecycle of a data warehouse spanning ingestion, storage, curation, querying, health checks, and more. The key ingredient is something we call H-3. Hybrid compute. Hybrid storage. Hybrid controls.
Cloudera Data Warehouse eliminates data silos and lets you store all of your data without fear of constraints across a multitude of storage systems. More importantly, it decouples compute and storage, allowing unlimited scalability across both dimensions bridging data centers and public clouds. Our automation tools only add to the sophistication, by making the deployments and administration as seamless as practically possible. A big part of this solution is our new public cloud PaaS product – Cloudera Altus Data Warehouse – that encompasses all the key elements outlined above and takes modern data warehousing to a completely new level.
Another unique value proposition of Cloudera Data Warehouse is that it actively encourages playing with data – enabling experimentation and collaboration at unprecedented scale with a wide variety of data – something traditional data warehouses are not well suited for.
Nevertheless, we do recognize the maturity in features developed around Traditional Data Warehouses that are still very relevant, such as, data modeling, governance, security, and workload System Level Agreements. Our solution offers a new generation of tools to tackle them more effectively. To enable our customers, we have also forged strong partnerships with the industry-leading Independent Software and Hardware Vendors, Cloud Platform Providers, and System Integrators and have added emerging Independent Software Vendors to our ecosystem.
A new era of data warehousing is upon us – that of modern data warehousing. Cloudera is at the forefront with thousands of production deployments across the globe, actively supporting mission-critical workloads. We are just about getting started, but we are already being noticed – recently Gartner customers recognized our solution as one of the best Data Warehouse solutions of 2018.
Joydeep Das is Senior Director Products at Cloudera.
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