Free Hands-on Data Science bootcamp for BI Professionals

Deel dit bericht

Are you a Business Intelligence Specialist, BI Developer, Data Analyst, DWH specialist, … in short, anyone charged with ensuring that your company's data is available at the right time to the right people? Are you challenged by the ever growing data and data questions? Are you ready to move on from traditional Business Intelligence approaches to innovative Advanced Analytics and Data Sciences techniques but don't know where to start, or if this is even possible in your organisation? Then this training is perfect for you.

Anchormen and Dataiku invite you to join the free hands-on bootcamp Data Science for BI on March 22, in Amsterdam.

As our companies grow, so does our data. We use this data to answer questions raised by the business, like: how many new clients did we reach last month? But this way of using your data means you are always looking backwards. "We have a question, let's look at the data!" But now many companies are turning this around: what data do we have and which questions does it answer? This leads to completely new insights, like: did you know we haven't reach any new clients in the Northern Provinces in the last 3 months?

March 22
from 9.30h till 16.00h including lunch

Anchormen office Amsterdam
Pedro de Medinalaan 11
1086 XK Amsterdam)

