On 16 March, we will hold our monthly seminar series on Responsible Data Science (RDS), a joint collaboration of expert researchers from 11 knowledge institutions across the Netherlands: Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC), Centrum Wiskunde en Inf...
On 16 February, we will hold our monthly seminar series on Responsible Data Science (RDS), a joint collaboration of expert researchers from 11 knowledge institutions across the Netherlands: Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC), Centrum Wiskunde en ...
On 19 January, we will hold our monthly seminar series on Responsible Data Science (RDS), a joint collaboration of expert researchers from 11 knowledge institutions across the Netherlands: Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC), Centrum Wiskunde en I...
Hands-on training dimensioneel modelleren, star schema, waarin de nieuwste technieken worden behandeld voor het vergaren van BI-requirements en het ontwerpen van effectieve datawarehouse- en BI-systemen. Een agile benadering voor dimensioneel modelleren door datawarehouse autoriteit Lawrence Corr op 19 t/m 21 mei in Utrecht.
On 15 December, we will hold our monthly seminar series on Responsible Data Science (RDS), a joint collaboration of expert researchers from 11 knowledge institutions across the Netherlands: Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC), Centrum Wiskunde en ...