Frans Feldberg is hoogleraar Data Driven Business Innovation aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Hij presenteerde op de Data Expo, net als in 2023, wederom een keynote. BI-Platform vroeg Frans Feldberg over het succes van dataprojecten, de ontwikkel...
Mike Ferguson presented his session Generative AI in Data Management and Analytics - a new era of assistance, productivity and automation during the Data Warehousing & BI Summit in March this year. In this session he looked at the impact generati...
Tijdens de elfde editie van de DW & BI Summit op 27 maart 2024 presenteerde Ron Tolido zijn sessie Data Mesh Light - getting there, step by step, avoiding the Mess. Ron Tolido is CTO bij Capgemini Insights & Data. De voordelen van Data Mesh zijn in p...
Deze workshop met Panos Alexopoulos behandelt de implementatie van Knowledge Graphs en Large Language Models en biedt een uitgebreid raamwerk waarin geavanceerde technieken worden gecombineerd met praktijkcases en oefeningen. Praktische workshop op 20 en 21 mei in Utrecht - schrijf snel in!
Jos van Dongen belicht de werkzaamheden en het onderzoek binnen de Erasmus Data Collaboratory. Jos is directeur van het Erasmus Data Collaboratory - House of AI, waar data & AI samen komen. Hij gaf tijdens de Data Warehousing & BI Summit op 27 maart ...
At the Data warehousing & BI Summit that took place at March 27th in Utrecht, Alec Sharp presented his session Conceptual Data Modelling and the Data-Process-Connection, where he stated that a concept model is invaluable to process and architectu...
Mike Ferguson presented his session Data Observability - What is it and why is it important? during the Data Warehousing & BI Summit in April this year, where he discussed the emergence of Data Observability and looked at what it is about, what Data ...
Mike Ferguson presented his session Building an Enterprise Data Marketplace during the Data Warehousing & BI Summit in April this year, where he discussed what a Data Marketplace is, how to build one and how you can use it to govern data sharing ...
Will Data Mesh and Data Fabric make Data Quality Management easier or harder to get right? As a foundational data discipline how should Data Quality principles and practices evolve and adapt to meet the needs of these new trends? Nigel Turner gave in...
Rick van der Lans presenteerde zijn sessie 'Data Lakehouse: Marketing Hype of Nieuwe Architectuur?' tijdens de Data warehousing & BI Summit, waarin hij verschillende aspecten van datawarehouses en datalakes besprak om te bepalen of de data lakehouse ...
Alec Sharp presented his session The Human Side of Data Modelling at the Data warehousing & BI Summit. In this interview with BI-Platform Alec Sharp explains why the human side of data modelling is important.He tells how organizations can ensure that...