Did you know workers can lose up to 40 percent or 16 hours per week of productivity due to multitasking and switching between multiple software applications, resulting in a cumulative corporate loss of 450 billion dollar per year? Those were just some of the findings from The Effects of Multitasking on Organizations Report.
To thrive in today’s competitive business environment, organizations now need to integrate analytics into their day-to-day workflow. Historically, users would go back and forth between different systems to gather the information they need. But times have changed.
With embedded analytics implementations, different systems can be integrated so users no longer have to switch between tools to run their analyses. Embedded analytics encourages users to be more engaged and productive, as the analytics is integrated seamlessly into their everyday processes rather than a separate application.
Key Benefits
The key benefit of embedding analytics into your business application is that it delivers seamless intelligence at the application level, thus helping users make more informed decisions and increasing their productivity.
Embedded analytics is also more widely adopted than traditional analytics because:
• There is usually little to no learning curve
• It does not require users to log in to a separate application or tool
• The analytics is displayed within the same application or on a device of their choice, so users can access and take action on the data right away
Any application that has access to data can benefit from embedded analytics—and today that’s 99% of the applications out there. Your customers and employees depend on you to make this data accessible. In the not too distant past, organizations would hire a team of developers to write custom code and provide an end-user interface that supported basic reporting functionality. Today, instead of starting from scratch, organizations can simply leverage the embedded analytics functionality of an existing analytics platform to take their applications to the next level, arming customers, employees, and vendors with enhanced information and insights.
For example, a leading mobile engagement provider embedded analytics into their platform to gather customer information and run analysis on their interests and behaviors, leading to personalized interactions along the customer journey to deliver more relevant and engaging mobile experiences.
Similarly, a leading healthcare IT solution provider embedded analytics into their platform to run analysis and gather data for more than 150 million patients. Subscribers could analyze population health across different practices, hospitals, and regions, and report across the whole system with ease.
Making the Right Choice
Choosing the right platform is key. For a business intelligence (BI) and analytics platform to be truly enterprise class, it must go beyond traditional capabilities and deliver the flexibility organizations need to extend and modify functionality to meet their unique requirements. In addition to supporting basic reporting and dashboarding capabilities, it should provide access to all its functionality through an API, so that organizations can easily deploy customized, branded applications at scale. Organizations these days are also looking for a more expansive suite of capabilities like machine learning, data federation, mobility, open platform, and modern analytics.
Considering MicroStrategy
MicroStrategy 2019 provides a robust, enterprise-grade platform that enables organizations to avoid the massive investments in time and money needed to build custom reporting and analytics layers for their enterprise applications. Our open framework delivers support for multiple platforms and devices, as well as hundreds of optimized connectors to relational databases. It provides sophisticated administration and data connectivity tools, a unified metadata layer, and an unparalleled in-memory architecture. It’s everything an organization needs in an analytics platform: enterprise-grade security, high performance, scalability, and data governance.
Using the platform, organizations can customize their MicroStrategy applications with their unique and branded workflows. They can also reskin applications on both Web and Mobile with our highly flexible SDK and inject analytics into completely white-labeled applications.
Ani Jain is Senior Product Marketing Manager at MicroStrategy.
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