Over the past few months, I've spent countless hours thinking on, discussing, and writing about HyperIntelligence. I have to admit, there were times when I wondered if we were 'drinking the Kool-Aid' - something easy to do in a product-driven company. I wasn’t sure if others would find this breakthrough in analytics as exciting and useful as I do.
So when we recently received feedback on usability testing*, I was stoked. People really understood the power of HyperIntelligence—that’s something that doesn’t happen all the time in the world of B2B software, and it makes me think that we have something special with this. For those not familiar with the concept of usability testing, we worked with a third-party platform to build out a simple A|B test that asked users to find a variety of information about Fortune 500 companies through two different workflows:
1. Searching through an Excel spreadsheet and
2. Using HyperIntelligence
The testing platform allows organizations to choose from a wide range of prospective testers, but for our purposes we applied the following filters:
• 25–50 years old
• Earning $60K–$150K+
• Employed full-time (30+ hours)
• United States, United Kingdom
• Any industry size, any company
• Any job level in this phase of testing
• Must have the Google Chrome browser
• Relatively familiar with data
• Screened with product accuracy
This screening resulted in a pool of 65 people (non-MicroStrategy users) who each got to experience HyperIntelligence firsthand and provide their thoughts and feedback in a post-test survey. The results really speak for themselves:
9.10/10 overall recommendation rating
When asked how likely (on a scale of 1–10) they would be to recommend HyperIntelligence to their colleagues, our participants gave an average rating on 9.10.
Users found information up to 2X faster with HyperIntelligence
During the test, participants were asked to find three distinct pieces of information using each workflow. Here’s a breakdown of the average time to complete each task:
Finding the first piece of information took our participants an average of 0:53 with Excel and 1:09 with HyperIntelligence. But after that is where it really gets interesting. With HyperIntelligence, users rapidly improved their task completion time, yielding an average decrease of 45 seconds per task by the third task.
71% of users said they would use HyperIntelligence in their day-to-day tasks. 4 out of 5 described HyperIntelligence as easy to use.
Those numbers are pretty astounding, but what really struck me when reviewing the results are the screen and audio recordings where we can actually see and hear when a user “gets it.” Below are just a few of the snippets that we captured from our participants during the test:
• “The best part about HyperIntelligence is that it took the work out of searching for me!”
• “I am going to immediately recommend and start utilizing HyperIntelligence! Love it!”
• “I prefer HyperIntelligence by a landslide. It’s a great little Chrome extension.”
We want you to put HyperIntelligence to the test for yourself — check back next week to take the Hyper Challenge! In the meantime, be sure to check out our MicroStrategy 2019 webcast to learn about all the exciting new features in our latest platform release — or try a HyperIntelligence Pilot.
Tyler Convey is Product Marketing Manager at MicroStrategy.
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