Mark Budzinski, CEO of WhereScape, discusses the promise behind the debut of WhereScape Data Vault Express, the first and only automation software designed specifically for the creation, design and operation of enterprise Data Vaults.
In my interactions with customers, I consistently find that the urgency to bring value from data to analysts and decision makers is sharpening everyone’s thinking. Business users need data now, in a form they want, and without compromise. Some organizations take a rounded off approach, and overinvest in the expectation that front end tools (for “blending” and “virtualizing” data) can save the day. The more enlightened companies understand that front ends are important, but yikes…don’t forget we have real data infrastructure to manage. We have to get both ends of the machine right.
The Data Vault business system of intelligence, developed by Daniel Linstedt, offers an approach to building and managing data infrastructure for long term resiliency, while serving the needs of the business in an active, agile manner. The uptick in adoption of this methodology in Europe has taken shape over the last few years. But now, more and more IT shops in the USA are giving it a look. The promises of a Data Vault architecture are compelling. The challenge is, “How do we build one of these, and do it quickly?” Some firms, who would otherwise love to have a Data Vault, quit on themselves early in the process because they perceive it’s all just going to be too hard. It’s a pity, really.
This changes today with our debut at the Worldwide Data Vault Consortium (WWDVC2017) of WhereScape Data Vault Express, the first and only automation software designed for the design, creation and operation of enterprise Data Vaults that embeds the Data Vault 2.0 business system methodology. Our vision in delivering Data Vault Express to market is that it will better arm organizations with the needed toolset to greatly reduce the complexity, costs and risks of Data Vault projects, and further support an increased industry adoption of a valuable standard.
Through WhereScape Data Vault Express, development teams will now have access to embedded Data Vault 2.0 patterns and best practices, templates and wizards from within WhereScape 3D and WhereScape RED, our integrated automation platform. These new tools will help organizations deliver analytics solutions to the business far more quickly, at a lower cost and with less risk than the do-it-yourself approaches currently required.
As further validation of its value, Daniel Linstedt has commented, “WhereScape Data Vault Express can reduce the complexity and costs associated with building and updating Data Vaults to meet the standard. It will also dramatically shorten the learning curve for teams new to the Data Vault methodology.”
So, this is exciting for WhereScape, and for organizations who are ready to employ Data Vault 2.0 within their analytics infrastructure and begin to realize the consistency, resiliency, and other far-reaching benefits it provides. WhereScape Data Vault Express will help these organizations shorten the journey.
Mark Budzinski is CEO of WhereScape.
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