Unique opportunity to work with Eneco's data during this two day hackathon!
About 20 years ago the energy landscape was very easy: as soon as you would switch on the lights, a power plant would simply run a bit more power from its generator’s and we’re done. This energy landscape is changing drastically, the energy transition is taking place more rapid than expected. Drastic reduction in energy consumption, solar panels on peoples roofs, batteries in our basements, a local initiative to buy a windmill with your neighbors, “no gas” houses, the transition towards distributed, renewable energy has really hit off. What is the key to maintaining the balance in this landscape?
Eneco stays ahead in the energy transition by introducing Toon. By now, over 300.000 households have bought this smart thermostat and energy insight device. This leads to collecting 50+ variables related to their energy consumption, some of which have seconds resolution. Would it be possible to accelerate the energy transition with this information? What would you do with this data in times with Blockchain, Alexa, IOT, ITTT, TRIGGY? 2500 enthusiastic customers can potentially help you. Our innovators, as we like to call them, form our living lab with whom we can do real life (live!) experiments. For these customers we have available over a year's worth of data.
wo, 7 jun. 2017, 09:00 –
do, 8 jun. 2017, 17:00 CEST
Wibautstraat 202
1091 GS Amsterdam
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