As executive vice president of the Microsoft Cloud and Enterprise Group, Scott Guthrie is responsible for the company’s cloud infrastructure, server, database, CRM, ERP, management and development tools businesses. His engineering team builds Microsoft Azure, SQL Server, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Active Directory, System Center, Visual Studio and .NET.
Prior to leading the Cloud and Enterprise Group, Guthrie helped lead Microsoft Azure, Microsoft’s public cloud platform. Since joining the company in 1997, he has made critical contributions to many of Microsoft’s key cloud, server and development technologies and was one of the original founders of the .NET project. Some of you may also know him as the guy in the red-shirt.
Experience the newest technologies in Azure by joining Scott Guthrie for sessions on how you can do more on the intelligent cloud. Scott will present a deep dive into Microsoft’s cloud services, advanced workloads and capabilities. He’ll do several demonstrations first-hand to show how these solutions can enable you to achieve more using the best of the Linux ecosystem and the best of the Windows ecosystem, together. Demos will include the latest in infrastructure – VM scale sets, managed disks, Hybridcloud, Azure Stack, enterprise mobility + security, Xamarin/mobile development, SQL, Data Lake, Cognitive Services, Machine Learning, AI, R, open source capabilities, Logic Apps, Power BI, Flow, developer tools and services, containers and more.
Wednesday 24th of May 2017
09:15 AM – 16:00 PM
doors open at 08.45
Amsterdam RAI
Europaplein 2
1078 GZ Amsterdam
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