Webinar: Wat is nieuw in Tosca Testsuite 9.1
10 februari 2016
16.00 – 17.00 uur
The Tricentis team is excited to launch the new Tosca Testsuite 9.1 Release. Focusing on “ease of use” and “ease of maintenance”, we have added great improvements that let you automate your tests faster and easier than ever. Join us as our VP of Product Management, Gerd Weishaar, and Roman Zednik, Director of Worldwide Presales, introduce and demonstrate the new features that come with Tosca Testsuite 9.1.
Highlighted features:
* SAP GUI Recorder: The Tosca Recorder is now available for SAP testing. Create your SAP tests as you go with minimum effort and let Tosca Testsuite do the automation for you.
* Rescan: Reduce maintenance with Tosca Testsuite’s new Rescan feature. Re-sync your tests with the newest version of your application under test within seconds.
* Manual Execution 3.0: Enjoy the fresh design of the new Tosca Manual Execution Assistant along with a significantly improved user experience. A set of clever new features adds flexibility and improved readability to your manual tests.
Other cool stuff in this release:
* Support for Siebel OpenUI
* Support for JavaFX
* Automate SAP Fiori
* Enhancement Pack for OSV
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