Versie 4.0 van deze open source software verenigt data-integratie, datakwaliteit en master datamanagement in één oplossing.
Talend, the recognized market leader in open source data management software, today announced the release of Talend 4.0, a significant milestone for the company and the data integration market. With this major upgrade to the company’s flagship data management solutions, Talend is delivering the industry’s first integrated data management platform uniting data integration, data quality and master data management (MDM) within a single solution. Talend’s thousands of customers can now further streamline and reduce the complexity of their critical data management projects, resulting in higher productivity, lower operational costs and greater insights into their vital informational assets. Over the last four years, Talend has been the innovator in the data management market, delivering high-performance, cost-optimised, open source solutions that offer comparable and in many cases greater functionality than significantly more expensive and complex proprietary technologies. With the launch earlier this year of Talend MDM, Talend now offers solutions that address any data management challenge for organisations of all sizes. To complete the circle, Talend has integrated its core technologies - data integration, data quality and MDM - into one unified platform. Talend 4.0 delivers unprecedented improvements in resource optimisation and utilisation, and project consistency. Key features include: -Single development studio based on Eclipse, that provides users with consistent ergonomics, fast learning curve and a high-level of reusability. -A common metadata repository, that promotes sharing of vital information assets including user data, application metadata, business models, business rules, transformation and validation rules, connectors, data validation and workflows. Cross project data lineage and impact analysis is also available throughout the repository. -Unified deployment environment, that includes a distributed and high availability execution paradigm, single monitoring console and real-time execution reporting. Bron: Talend.2 april 2025 Schrijf in voor al weer de twaalfde editie van ons jaarlijkse congres met wederom een ijzersterke sprekers line-up. Op deze editie behandelen wij belangrijke thema’s als Moderne (Native-Cloud) Data Architecturen, Datawarehouse Desi...
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