‘Key enabler of “big data” clouds and self-service analytics.’
EMC Corporation today introduced the new EMC Greenplum Data Computing Appliance, an integrated data warehouse system using the breakthrough Greenplum massively parallel processing (MPP) architecture. It enables organizations to more efficiently make sense of the massive amounts of data they generate from various sources such as always-on networks, the Web, consumers, surveillance systems and sensors. With twice the data loading speed of its nearest competitor and the industry’s best performance, the EMC Greenplum Data Computing Appliance enables more data to be analyzed faster and at lower costs.Click here to view the social media version of this release visit. The new system was developed and is shipping just 75 days following EMC’s acquisition of Greenplum and comes at a time when IDC predicts that the amount of data over the next decade will grow 44-fold. The disruptive data warehousing technology from Greenplum is a key enabler of “big data” clouds and self-service analytics, allowing organizations to store, manage and closely analyze terabytes of detailed data for faster business insight, conclusions and revelations. Greenplum is the foundation of EMC’s new Data Computing Products Division, which is developing the analytic tools to address the “big data” phenomenon. Highlights:• The new EMC Greenplum Data Computing Appliance is built using Greenplum Database 4.0. Its innovative, parallel-everything architecture delivers data loading performance of 10 terabytes (TB) an hour, twice as fast as Oracle Exadata systems and five times as fast as systems from Netezza and Teradata. • As a purpose-built, parallel system, the EMC Greenplum Data Computing Appliance offers up to 3x more scalability and up to 4x as many database cores than competitive systems for the industry’s best price/performance ratio. It integrates database, compute, storage and network into an enterprise class, easy-to-implement system and is available in flexible half-rack, full-rack, and multiple-rack appliance configurations for terabyte to petabyte-scale requirements. It is integrated with EMC’s replication, backup and recovery and deduplication technologies for information protection. • Greenplum Database 4.0 is also shipping and available as a licensed software-only solution for deployment on industry standard x86 hardware and integrated infrastructure solutions such as the Virtual Computing Environment (VCE) coalition Vblock Infrastructure Packages. The free Greenplum Database Single-Node Edition is available for download. Greenplum Database 4.0 is regarded as the industry’s most scalable, mission-critical analytical database and is in use at more than 100 leading enterprises worldwide.• EMC also today announced consulting, professional services, support and training for data warehousing and business analytics. EMC Global Services professionals will help customers deploy and optimize the new EMC Greenplum Data Computing Appliance and use extensive “big data” expertise to design an environment for complex correlation across massive data sets. In addition, EMC will help customers migrate and consolidate from their Oracle, Teradata and other existing database systems onto the EMC Greenplum Data Computing Appliance.• The EMC Data Computing Products Division is empowering organizations of all sizes to better evaluate, analyze and utilize the “big data” they generate by developing solutions that move processing power closer to the data and the end-user data analysts and data scientists. The EMC Greenplum Data Computing Appliance is available immediately worldwide from EMC.Source: EMC.2 april 2025 Schrijf in voor al weer de twaalfde editie van ons jaarlijkse congres met wederom een ijzersterke sprekers line-up. Op deze editie behandelen wij belangrijke thema’s als Moderne (Native-Cloud) Data Architecturen, Datawarehouse Desi...
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